Improvements and Changes to our Transit System

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A Summary of Improvements and Changes to Lehigh's Transit System

As part of the University-wide Connections initiative, along with meeting the transportation needs of campus during COVID-19, we have implemented several changes to the transportation system. Changes include a new tracking system, a new ride request tool, elimination of low ridership stops, schedule changes and route modifications. Details on all changes can be found by clicking the boxes below.

To help guide the decision-making process, throughout Fall 2019, we conducted 18 on-campus focus groups with students, faculty and staff. We also conducted an extensive ridership survey of the university community, which garnered more than 1200 responses. We would like to thank all of you for participating, sharing your ideas and identifying areas for improvement.

Our goal, as always, is to provide convenient, timely, and safe transportation options, to eliminate vehicle dependence in the core of campus, and to provide access to all existing parking facilities. We understand these changes will impact all of you differently and appreciate everyone’s support, understanding, and feedback.

If you would like to see the results of the ridership survey, you can explore the full report here. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please email